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Unfortunately, since creating this video, Sika has decided to discontinue this product. Due to the production difficulties they had during 2020 and 2021, this product had to be shelved. Every time I have the opportunity to meet with Sika higher-ups, I ask them to bring  1A Artic back. It was that good. I am hopeful that after the Master Builders acquisition is completed, they will find room in their production and market to reintroduce 1A Artic. But only time will tell. Until then, we still have 2C Artic, a fantastic product we will continue to utilize once the weather turns cold for the year.

Take a look at our overview video of SikaFlex 2C Arctic here. If you need to place urethane sealant in the cold, it is your best bet.

If you perform sealant work in the cold, take a moment to watch our video on Albion B-line Caulk Guns. This goes over the differences in thrust ratios on their caulk guns, and which are better for what materials and weather conditions.

Visit Sika’s sealnts page HERE. Please note that Sika has finished its acquisition of Master Builders. That means their sealants page will likely be changing soon to include some old Master Builders Products.

Learn more about our sealant services HERE.

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